May 25th, 2010 by

Julia was playing with a toy filled with jelly beans, but didn’t know how to open it. Well, at least I thought she didn’t know how to open it. I was wrong. She didn’t quite know how to finish each jelly bean and was putting them back in the container and getting a new one to taste. What a sticky mess! She was sure happy with herself.
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April 13th, 2010 by

Emily has been pretty creative lately in what she thinks she has permission to do on her own. One of the things she has been quite liberal with is helping herself to food on the counter. By food, I mean candy and marshmallows. This morning our little hobbit decided she needed her ‘First Breakfast’ and got a variety of candy down to eat. As soon as I came out to check on her, she started rationalizing why it was OK that she got it down. She was “So Hungry!” and was sure that her going potty would have earned herself the candy. On the couch she had a bag of Hershey Kisses, package of gummy worms, and a mostly eaten Kit-Kat bar. I did give a good laugh at the sight. I started to get things cleaned up and then I found the pile of Kiss wrappers. I wonder if she will have any room left in her tummy for her ‘Second Breakfast’?
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