November 4th, 2015 by

Some days are for finding the mysteries hidden below a leaf.

Some days are for finding a cool and inspiring spot to sit.

Some days are for finding a leaf that becomes your favorite. It could be a favorite because of the color variation, a favorite because both sides were interesting, a favorite because it could be used as an imaginary tool, and a favorite because after treasuring it, we got to hide it in a special place so it can continue its own adventure.

Some days are for taking a moment to forget our individual goals and embrace the opportunity that is present.

Some days are for bouquet of leaves.

Some days are for giving Mama a smile that we can capture and remember for days and years to come.
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October 15th, 2014 by

We celebrated the return of cooler weather with a short hike in the arboretum. The rain wanted to celebrate too, so we didn’t stay out too long. The girls were more interested in playing than posing for their Mama.

The bridges are fun to explore and dance on.

Shy grins can be shared.

A short hike, lots of silliness, a few shivers, fresh air, and a fun visit.
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October 20th, 2013 by

Fall is here, but we are still having warm weather to enjoy it. We took a hike with our grandparents at the local arboretum. Emily kept asking to walk father and loved the day. Julia liked exploring and finding fun sticks to use as walking sticks.

Who doesn’t love crossing a bridge and watching the water flow beneath it.

Fall sunshine is the best for bringing out smiles.

Big sisters are always good for giving kisses!
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September 4th, 2011 by
We met our friends on a cool August morning for a little hike and picnic. We took two different paths for a while and then turned back before we were too tired of it. After some fun exploring we had a picnic lunch in the back of our car. The girls fit in well and loved sharing their lunch together there.

Amazing! All four girls looked the same direction at the same time. This is quite unheard of. There are two decent photos, but this one is the less serious one.

The big girls exploring the bridge over a stream.

Hand in hand they go

Our little ones walk with such personality. Julia prances and Maeve has a march-tude to her step. This mama loves how personal they walk
Our picnic bounty

Maeveās sweet expression was so worth saving! What a sweet girl.
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