Destination Grandparents! (and cousins)

The next stop on our trip was to visit with our Grandparents in Miami. it has fun people to play, places to visit, and a pool to swim in. The weather was unusual for our visit. There was a lot of cool weather and rain. It changed our activities during our visit, but we still had a lot of fun. It was pretty special to have cuddle time with little baby Daniel.
Uncle Robby with the newest nephew, Daniel!
Emily got a chance to hold the little guy too.
Lizzy is always fun to play with too. Here she is with her favorite toy, Baa.
Julia loved playing with the basketball and goal, Julia made up a crazy card game, lots of opportunities to swim, great play times with Lizzy, and being with Grandma and Grandpa was just icing on the top.
What a sweet little boy!
And he woke up so we could see his eyes.
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