End of School Year

The school year is over and the little girl we sent to school so many months ago is now an accomplished kindergartener. We have enjoyed talking to her about the first days of school and all the things she learned this year. We are thankful for the experiences she has had this year. She was blessed with a teacher that Emily loved and who seemed able to find ways to get Emily to perform for her. Emily made friends in her class and enjoyed the class mix with only few exceptions.
We look forward to the adventures this summer will bring us and trying to keep her mind active. A new school year does not seem as overwhelming as sending her to kindergarten was. Perhaps we all have grown this past year.
Maybe our hair is a bit longer . . . but the head cocking, lip chewing, and outgoingly shy girl is still there.
One of Mama’s favorite sights from the school year. The slow walking Emily turning and giving Mama a kiss as she goes into school. Some days it was a wave, a kiss, the sign I Love You, or just a thoughtful look.
Julia loved to accompany Emily to the school building whenever she could. It was the way she could relate to Emily’s school experience. On the last day she insisted that Emily take her doll in for sharing time.
School is OUT – She is an official 1st Grader
To celebrate in style we shared some ice cream at a local soda shop. The girls loved sitting at the counter. The lady making Emily’s milkshake was certain that the girls would share the milkshake. We didn’t share and Emily drank the whole thing!
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