October 25th, 2012 by

We went to listen to Ms. Caryn read another story. We were running late, enough late that we missed the story. Our lovely friend had a second reading for us! There were other kids in the store that enjoyed the book another time. Emily has been missing out on time with Elena so we invited them to meet us at storytime. After the story there was plenty of little girls wandering and reading books in the store.

Little Thea was so sweet to hang with Ms. Rachelle for quite a while!
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October 24th, 2012 by

Julia decided to take care of fixing a few things around the house. After a lot of repairs she decide the tools were dusty and took the flower to them for a good cleaning. Kids are the best at making good jokes without meaning to – she told me that Dusty was very dusty and needed to be cleaned. I loved that one!
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October 23rd, 2012 by

Julia has been riding or walking on nice mornings with her Mama. I loved this sweet face looking back at me. She likes to walk to the bridge where we look for fish in the water. Sometimes we are lucky and see them. Then if we have time we walk down to the "house". It is the judges box for rowing competitions. This is about as far as she can go on her own and still walk all the way back out. Some of the games we play are singing songs and playing shadow chasing games.
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October 21st, 2012 by

Happy Birthday to our baby! I guess she isn’t our baby anymore. You are a delight to us. We love your smiles and silly grins. You tell us funny stories, make up fun names for your friends, still make your wonderful excited face, and love playing with your sister. Hearing your voice this year has been wonderful. We love you!
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October 18th, 2012 by

At school Emily learned all about twisting a swing before getting onto it. Such great things we go to school to learn. She loves to put her backpack down from school and run right over to the swing. Her current complaint with our swing is that it doesn’t swing straight. She can not quite understand that it is a infant swing tied up in a tree and therefore will not preform as expected.
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October 17th, 2012 by
On Wednesday, Emily comes home early from school. This allows for a short nap for her and a joint craft or activity with Emily and Julia. This particular day they agreed to paint. They have Disney on the brain, not sure why that is, and picked out a Mickey and Minnie window art to paint. They had a blast! Just fun to remember.

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