Emily’s Birthday Party

Emily picked to swim for her birthday party. She also picked her party theme to be a Snow Princess party. To be a Snow Princess she got a special blue dress with pom-poms sewn on to make it ‘princess-y’.
We went to a local heated pool to have her party. We started off with some running around a gym, followed by decorating princess shoes with gems (Aiden got a frog to decorate), then lunch of pizza and cupcakes, and lastly all the swimming the little ones could handle. Emily had a lot of fun at her party. She is already planning her next one.
The birthday girl – she was having a good time despite the serious face.
A little pre-party game of tag. They do not understand the game and just had fun running away from Ms. Rachelle.
Craft time
Emily was serious about her shoe decorating. She had been planning for days which shoe she wanted to decorate.
Julia took her gluing seriously. She spread it all over her shoe like she was icing a cake.
The frog turned out pretty cute!
Our table of goodies
Emily enjoyed a lot of freedom in the pool because she was willing to kick herself around on the kickboard. She seemed to have the hang of the kickboard more this day than she has before.
Julia was pretty busy in the pool. Every time the camera came out she seemed to be turning her back to it. She had a great time just playing.
Aiden and his Mama – what a great photo. They both have great grins.
Elena floating on her own
Maeve’s eyes seem to always have such a sparkle
The little girls floating and having a great time together. It is nice to have friends.
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