
Maybe we will get in trouble for this post later in life, but we are so proud of Julia! We have been working on potty training with more consistency since Julia’s birthday. She has had periods of time of interest and dis-interest in doing it. We weren’t sure if she was really ready so we were reluctant to make it a requirement.
We had to take Julia to a dermatologist in early December and her treatment made wearing diapers uncomfortable. Starting the next day, Julia asked to wear only panties all the time since the panties were more comfortable. For about a week, we did a lot of reminding, extra trips, and extra laundry, but her interest in independence kicked in and over the past three weeks we have had very few accidents and a little BIG girl who takes herself without prompting. So Amazing! She got her prize and her merit badge is coming.
As I can’t say it enough, I will say it one more time – We are so proud of you, Julia!
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