June 16th, 2010 by

This is what the Mommy found when she went in to check on the child who was supposed to be napping. She informed me that it was a road for her cars to drive down. We are trying the nap again, but with the conversations and songs that I hear through the monitor I don’t think we will be having a nap today.
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June 12th, 2010 by

Sun, Sand, Water, and lots of Fun!
Posted in Emily Pics, Julia Pics |
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June 10th, 2010 by

(19 months) Julia still takes her milk in a bottle. It is one of the baby things that I’m hanging onto for just a little longer. I love the cuddle time, but I also love that she drinks her milk faster and with purpose when it is in a bottle. I know she is growing up and needs to give this one up too . . . we will do it soon. I will miss it!
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June 5th, 2010 by

Emily told me that she wanted to build a train for her Daddy. So while Julia napped, Emily laid out wacky track, round-about, and three bridges. She then left the rest for me to connect. She played with the track for over an hour after I had it built. My favorite was when she had all the trains take a nap and laid them on their sides. The track didn’t survive for Robby to see because Julia did eventually wake up from her nap. Julia loves to play with the track, instead of the trains, and destroys any layout we build.
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