6 Month Checkup

We had Julia’s 6 week checkup today. It was good and uneventful. Julia was a pretty good sport for most of the appointment. She wasn’t interested in looking at the doctor’s light when he checked her eyes. She also wasn’t interested in bending her legs when he did her hip exam. I don’t blame her for trying to foil the exam. Visiting the doctor can’t be fun when you are cold, exposed, poked, and overall uncomfortable.
Julia weighed in at 13 lbs -8 oz an increase of about a 1-1/2 lbs. Her length is 26 inches and increase of 1-3/4 inch increase. She is maintaining her 10th percentile weight and 50th percentile height. We discussed Julia’s feeding schedule and he said that based on her growth and weight gain that the feeding schedule and quantities are fine. She has cut herself back to 6, maybe, 7 feedings a day and they are not long feedings, this just didn’t seem like enough to me. But I guess she knows what she is doing. We will be starting cereal with Julia soon.
We finished off our appointment with a few shots and a lot of tears. Our next appointment is at 9 months. On our way home Emily announced to me that we should call Daddy. I asked her what we should tell Daddy. This was her review of the appointment: 1. Sister went to doctor, 2. Sister got shot, 3. Sister sad. This was pretty accurate. I guess the only thing she forgot was that the Doctor had given Emily a sticker.
Posted in Julia Pics | 1 Comment »
April 24th, 2009 at 9:09 am
Great Picture Rachelle. Thanks for the update of Julia. It’s a true blessing getting to watch your girls grow.