March 30th, 2009 by

A photo of Emily learning how to play with the spinning toy. We were having a play date and Emily enjoyed playing with Aiden’s toys.
Emily is a typical two year old and learning how to interact with the big world. This involves a decent amount of push back against Mommy’s wishes and boundaries. I realized the other day that I was letting this aspect of our day define too much of my day. So, to help keep perspective and patience each day I am watching for the funny or developmentally cool things that happen. I’m going to try to document them here – not just share them with Robby. This way over a longer period of time I can be reminded of the joy she brings when she is giving me a little push back.
I have to confess that I am a closet belcher. This is a fact known by my immediate family and will be known soon enough by our daughters. I believe that with a few rules that women can hold their own against men. I have been setting the ground work so that Emily can learn the rules. Rule number one is that after you belch you say ‘excuse me’. Emily does belch on her own (no Mommy influences) and I have been encouraging her to say and sign excuse me. Enough setup, the other day the girls were sitting on my lap after the morning milk watching some cartoons. Emily was nose to nose with Julia talking to her and out popped a burp. She backed up a little and said ‘excuse me’ and signed it at the same time. I was so proud! She is starting to get rule number one.
As a side note, please don’t ask for a demonstration of my ability because I don’t preform on demand. Although for some good stories you can check with my brother.
Posted in Emily Pics |
March 29th, 2009 by

Emily has lots of these kisses for Julia! Emily shows affection for lots of things through kisses. She kisses Mommy, Daddy, sister, dolly, pooh, and even a pair of shoes with fish on the soles.
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March 27th, 2009 by

Emily and I went out to play before it got dark on our rainy evening. We hadn’t gotten to spend much time together one-on-one today and I thought a little play time outside in the drizzle was in order. Emily fetched her favorite toys to carry around while we are outside, the kid rake and hose nozzle. Then she got busy looking for puddles. This one is right by our front porch. She was a careful puddle jumper, actually no jumping happened, as she held on to the railing next to the steps for additional support. The stuff which looks like snow in our yard is really Bradford Pear petals that have covered our yard. It is like snow with out the cold weather. By the time we came back inside we had walked around our yard and found more puddles, picked some flowers, and helped Mommy with two chores. We had a great time getting damp, muddy, and spending time together.
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March 27th, 2009 by

Julia doesn’t have very many tricks, but she sure has wonderful smiles! Funny – these were taken the same day, but at two different times. I guess that this is her signature smile. Enjoy our happy girl!!
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March 25th, 2009 by

Emily thought that Julia should talk on the toy phone, or at least hold it. Julia was not interested. Actually, she was complaining about having to play with Emily. Emily is so good to want to play and interact with Julia. Sometimes it works great and sometimes Julia is just not interested.
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March 24th, 2009 by

We had a play date with Elena and Maeve. A lot of play and a little cookie making. Of course, I didn’t think to pick up the camera when they were ‘cooking’. I think Emily introduced Elena to eating cookie dough. You never know what kids will teach each other when they get together. We had a good time playing house, meeting new dollies, having lunch, and playing with each other’s sisters. Even the little girls got some time playing together. What fun they will have over time!
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