February 11th, 2009 by

What a character! Emily is eating her lunch in a big person chair and reading a sale flier at the same time. She has found the shoe section of the sale flier. She consented to look up at the camera for a photo, but I think she took the opportunity to tell me about the pair of shoes she wanted me to buy her. She’s my daughter!
We have started to eat lunch in the kitchen where we can look out the window and watch for birds on the bird feeder. Today was a warm sunny day and the birds weren’t hungry, so Emily had moved on the sale flyer. I have lightened up a little and I am letting her stand on her chair to see out the window. The height is perfect for her to stand and rest her elbows to gaze out the window.
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February 10th, 2009 by

This is Julia sleeping in her cradle. It won’t be long before she fills it up and has to move to her crib. It dawned on me that I hadn’t taken a photo of her in it yet and might miss the opportunity if I didn’t do it soon. It is always a little dangerous to take a photo of a sleeping baby, but I got away with it and didn’t wake her up. This cradle was not only used by Emily, but Mommy and Uncle Philip also. The cradle was made by Grammy and Granddaddy while they were waiting for Uncle Philip’s arrival.
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February 9th, 2009 by

We were playing in the girls room and Emily discovered that she could check on Julia for Mommy. If she could figure out how to climb in with Julia, she would. This week, Emily also discovered that she could climb into her own crib with the side down. She didn’t think she could crawl out after she got in, so we kept playing the game with Mommy taking her out and she would climb in again.
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February 8th, 2009 by

Julia has been reaching out and touching things for a little while now. She has gotten much better this past week at grabbing hold of things. This is proved each time she grasps the frog on her bouncy seat. We know it because the frog plays a song that we hear often. So far we are not tired of the song yet.
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February 7th, 2009 by

Julia isn’t sleeping in her big bed yet, but we are starting to use it for a play space. We want both Julia to get used to her crib and Emily used to having Julia share the room. I thought the photo was a sweet photo of Julia. Once she gets a little mobile I will clean out the bed, but right now it is a combo of a play place and storage of toys.
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February 6th, 2009 by

A little pre-bedtime sugar cookie making with Mommy and Emily. The process was supposed to be roll, sugar, and smush. Emily loved to say roll for all of the steps. The balls she made were pretty good until she had them made and then stuck her fingers into them. The sugar step involves touching the cup bottom into the sugar, only Emily thought that it was better to coat her fingers with sugar. Then the last step was to smush the dough ball with the cup and that was Emily’s most successful step. I am mistaken to say that any of these steps were Emily’s favorite steps because eating the cookie was really her favorite.
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