Bumbly & Sweet Pea

We celebrated Halloween this year with Bumbly and Sweet Pea. Emily has been playing dress-up with her Bumbly costume for a couple of weeks now, but in the last two weeks she hasn’t been interested at all in it. I wasn’t sure how this evening’s trick-or-treating would go. As it turns out, she wanted to put it on before dinner this evening and was ‘ok’ with wearing it when it was time to dress up. I think my favorite part of these costumes is that either they had extra padding, or I was able to add the padding to make my kids look round and squishy. I’m not sure that there is a costume that is made for a week and half old, but with a few modifications Julia made a pretty good Sweet Pea. Arms are definitely not required for a pea!
We got to use the double stroller for the first time tonight. We were only going to trick-or-treat at Grammy & Granddaddy’s house, and we weren’t sure that Emily would be up for walking the distance in a costume. Because of the costumes we were not able to sit the girls in the correct seats, but we managed. Emily was very excited to be at Grammy’s house and loved the rice crispy treats that Grammy had made for her. We considered on our walk home to stop at a few neighbors houses, but it was getting awful close to bedtime. Next year, we will make rounds to the neighbors, and Emily will understand the activity better.
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