18 Month Checkup

Emily is 19 months old, and between a busy schedule at the pediatrician and a vacation, we were not able to make it for her 18 month checkup until now. At this visit she weighed in at 20 lbs 14 oz. and 32 inches long. Over the last four months she is 2 lbs 8 oz. heavier and 1 3/4 inches longer. Emily is in the 50 percentile for height, 5 percentile for weight, and 3 percentile overall. This is where she was prior to her odd weight loss at one year. The doctor is pleased to see her regain her size. Emily wouldn’t show off any of her tricks for the doctor, but she did let him admire the 6 new teeth that she had come in since her last visit. Our visit ended with three more shots and lots of tears. We will go back for another check up at 2 years.
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