Baby Ultrasound

We had a scheduled ultrasound for the baby yesterday. Everything looked good for the baby and they told us that the baby weighs 7 oz. As of yesterday the baby was 18 weeks and 3 days, the baby measured at 17 weeks and 6 days. As the technician made all of her measurements it was just amazing to see all of the little parts of the baby. The most amazing part is the heart as it is pumping in and out. After all of the measurements were completed we were delighted to be told that the baby is a girl! We had our guesses, but it is so exciting to hear with finality what the baby is. Emily will be a great big sister for her little sister. Emily came to the ultrasound, but only made it long enough to hear that she was going have a sister and then wanted to play. She got to take a walk with Grammy and Granddaddy while we finished. The baby was very active during the ultrasound at it was so wonderful to see her move. Her favorite movements were to kick the placenta and put her hands over her face. She seemed to put both her hands and her arm into her mouth at different moments. At one point she waved at the ultrasound wand. It was so sweet. This should be the only ultrasound that we have for this baby unless they doctor orders another one. We will look forward to seeing her when she arrives in October.
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