October 19th, 2007 by
Emily is 9 months old and it’s another trip to the pediatrician. At this visit she weighed in at 17 lbs 7 oz. and 28 inches long. This is just over 3 lbs heavier and 2 1/2 inches longer in three months. Emily doesn’t like her checkups much, but she puts up with it without much fuss. We were not planning on having any shots this checkup, but we added the flu shot to the visit. We will go back for another check up at 1 year.
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October 14th, 2007 by
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, October 2007
We headed up to the mountains to enjoy the change in weather (finally!). Emily didn’t want to look at the camera. She seemed to be distracted by all the other people that were around us.
This was taken at Newfound Gap. Later, we hiked to the top of Clingmans Dome.
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October 8th, 2007 by

(8 months) Emily was helping Mommy sort clean socks. The laundry basket is just the right size for play. I’m not sure that Mommy was very efficient with Emily’s help. She is sure cute!
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October 5th, 2007 by

(8 months) Rubber Duckies are fun in and out of the water. This little one is just the right size for Emily’s hands and mouth.
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October 4th, 2007 by

(8 months) Is Emily up to something? What a grin! She loves to kneel by her car seat and play with it. We just love seeing this little face everyday!
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October 3rd, 2007 by

(8 months) The balance required for sitting seems to work also for kneeling. After watching Emily in the days after she started sitting on her own, I noticed that she was starting to kneel next to furniture. It was first her toy box, then her car seat, then her crib bars, and lastly the couch and ottoman. Once again Emily surprised me with this development. I looked away and when I looked back she had stood up. I was shocked. Since then she has continued to pull up. She hasn’t figured out how to get down from the pulled up position, so we are alerted with a cry each time she gets up and doesn’t fall down.
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