August 30th, 2007 by
This photo is another one from our trip to Acadia National Park in August 2007.
We set Emily down on a blanket on the wonderful lawn behind the Jordan Pond House. She studied the grass and seemed to enjoy herself playing with it.
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August 24th, 2007 by

(7 months) Mommy and Emmy were spending some quality tummy time while Daddy was taking photos at Acadia. Emily was so good for her parents while we traveled this summer. She saw Acadia NP from the car seat, front pack, and the stroller. I think the front pack was her favorite. In the front pack we were able to take hikes and climb out on huge boulders on the seashore to look at the ocean.
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August 8th, 2007 by

(6 months) Emily is just bursting with delight with a secret that she won’t share. She is still getting stuck on her tummy and not rolling back over onto her backside. Last night she did roll back over by accident. Maybe it is the start of her doing it on purpose. Maybe that is her secret. 🙂
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August 6th, 2007 by

(6 months) We have been introducing food to Emily. We have given her cereal, green beans, peas, and squash. While she is not always in the mood to eat, she seems to like everything that we have given her so far. When we first gave her green beans she made the funniest faces as she tasted the food. Today we are going to introduce carrots. I wonder if she will like it?
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