Hiking with Emily

Mommy, Emily and I spent an afternoon hiking around Rock City in Chattanooga. This is how Emily keeps up with Mommy and Daddy:

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Mommy, Emily and I spent an afternoon hiking around Rock City in Chattanooga. This is how Emily keeps up with Mommy and Daddy:
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Mommy has a confession. I love for Emily to grow bigger, but I also dislike it. I love to see her develop and grow bigger. I love her new outfits for the next size and am excited to get her in them. But then when I go to move her to her new clothes I’m sad. The problem is that I love all the clothes that she is outgrowing. The clothes are sweet and my memories of her in them are so fresh. With reluctance I am changing over Emily’s closet to her new size. I will resist the urge to keep the outgrown clothes in the drawer and embrace the wonderful new outfits. In just a few weeks the outgrown outfits will be really too small and I will be deep into my love affair with her new size.
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She has the long skinny Edwards feet…
…And she has grown into then nicely! Another of Grandpa’s photos of Emily.
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(4 months) Uncle Doug sent Emily her first piano. She has been playing it with her feet so far. It is tied to the end of her cradle and she has figured out that when she kicks it that it plays music and talks to her. I thought I was doing a good job of turning it off when we were done playing with it, but one evening when I went to put her to bed she kicked it, and the music rang out in the room. I turned it off as quickly as I could. I know better than to wake a sleeping baby! I got lucky and she just dozed off again. She is starting to really engage with toys now and it has been so much fun to watch. . . The joys of motherhood!
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(3 months) Emily’s car seat has a fabric foot cover that stretches across the bottom of the car seat. She has taken to kicking her feet to rest on the top of the cover. This way she has foot freedom! I have decided that this new trick has transformed her car seat into a recliner (maybe even a LazyGirl recliner).
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Caleb and Nathaniel (and their parents) came to visit for Emily’s dedication. The boys seemed interested in her, but not sure how to play with her. To be honest she slept most of their visit. She did watch them for a while playing on the porch. I expect that she will become a little more interesting when she can move and talk. Of course that is when she isn’t taking their toys.
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