Our Kids' Blog

Happy Birthday, Emily!

January 17th, 2011 by Mommy

Wow! We now have a four-year old. There were some days in that first month of her life that I couldn’t imagine how we were going to make it to one month old, and here we are at four years already. Emily has loved this birthday. We have counted down to the day, and if you asked her what she was going to do on Saturday, she would show her sheepish grin and say “it’s my birthday”. When I asked her what she wanted for a cake, she told me she wanted blue icing. The cake flavor didn’t seem to matter as long as icing was blue. While she watched me ice her cupcakes blue, she thanked me and told me how wonderful it was.

Some of our four-year old uniquenesses are:
-Tons of pretend play! Her favorites are doctor requiring lots of measuring, take a trip requiring lots of packing, and of course Cinderella.
– Is pretty interested these days in counting and reciting her ABC’s on her own.
– Loves her sister. She hugs and kisses her more than Julia would like. Emily doesn’t stop when Julia squeals for her to.
– Still has her favorite blanket that she calls “baby mouse”.
– Uses the words Mom, Mother, Dad, and Father instead of Mommy and Daddy.
– Tells her mother “yeah, yeah, yeah” as an answer to questions that she doesn’t want to answer.
– Prefers anything that has a princess on it.
– When singing songs if she doesn’t know the words she just makes them up.
– Favorite move – Cinderella
– Favorite drink – Chocolate Milk
– Favorite thing to wear are dresses.
– Favorite shoes are a simple dress shoe that she calls her “dancing shoes”. We have one in white and one in black.

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