Our Kids' Blog

All By Myself

February 9th, 2011 by Mommy

Congratulations to Miss Julia for figuring out how to climb up by herself in one of the indoor playgrounds we play at! I told Julia I would be there in a minute to help her past the two tricky steps and the next thing I knew Emily was announcing that Julia had done it all by herself. We did a happy dance and had a lot of excitement from all parties. She had been close, but just couldn’t figure how to lock her knee and push off. Maybe climbing out of bed has given her the confidence to try it again.

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Julia’s Crib Dismount

February 1st, 2011 by Mommy

Today was the day that Julia discovered she could climb out of her crib. She has climbed out of the pack-n-play for a couple of days now, and she must have decided that the crib was possible too. This morning, Mommy heard several unusual noises coming from the girls’ bedroom and decided to wait and see what happened. Sure enough, in a few minutes a little person was opening the door with a grin across her face. Emily and Mommy praised her accomplishment and we took her back in to re-create the accomplishment. Julia was pleased to show off her new skill which she was still perfecting.

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